WebPrint Server

Server component is a Laravel web application with following requirements:

  • PHP 8.1
  • Database with JSON field querying capability - for example MySQL (SQLite is not supported)
  • CRON for running scheduled cleaning jobs

There is no need for redis, as there is no queued jobs used.


As this is a Laravel application, you can follow Laravel Deployment from official docs.

Environmental Variables

Whatever you are installing WebPrint Server manually or using Docker Image, there are few required environmental variables to set:

App Configuration

You need to generate app key and fill app url. Ensure that APP_DEBUG is false and APP_ENV is set to production when you deploy.


Database configuration

You need to set your database configuration. MySQL is the recommended database, and the only tested one.


Mail Configuration

If you want to enable password resets functionality, you need to configure also mail configuration.


CloudFlare Proxy IP reveal

If WebApp Server will be protected by CloudFlare, enable following option to correctly discover user IP addresses.


Setup Commands

After you have installed files and set your environmental variables, you need to install dependencies and migrate migrate the database:

composer installphp artisan migrate

And build the front end resources (CSS and JS) using vite:

npm install & npm run build

Docker Image

Docker Image will be coming soon.

Initial Configuration

After spinning up the instance, go to home page. You will be welcomed by a login screen. As this is a fresh install, head on to registration page and create an administrator account.

Warning: First account created on empty instance will be automatically the system administrator. In default configuration, when there is an admin account, creating new accounts will be disabled.

App Settings

When you are logged in as a system administrator, you will have access to App Settings menu under your account name.

App Settings Menu

In App Settings you can configure server name (overwrites APP_NAME environmental variable) and interface language - currently supported are:

  • en - for english
  • pl - for polish

Also, you can enable/disable new user registration, password resets (remember to configure mailer settings before), passwords changing, profile updating and second factor authentication.

App Settings

Team Creation

Before you can start adding printers, you need to create a Team. You can create a team, by clicking "Create New Team" in team selector on dashboard or by clicking "Create New Team" in team dropdown menu.

After creating a new team, you will be presented with an empty dashboard.

Empty Dashboard

This section will be coming soon.

Printers Configuration

This section will be coming soon.

Client Apps Creation

This section will be coming soon.

Sharing Access to Team

This section will be coming soon.